So apparently XenServer has "had" an issue with not deleting snapshots correctly, resulting in SR's running out of space. Here's the solution I found.
Tag - server
Friday, December 20 2013
XenServer 6.2 Hidden Snapshots
By Phil on Friday, December 20 2013, 13:01 - Computing
Monday, July 29 2013
Useful Null Routes
By Phil on Monday, July 29 2013, 15:56 - Interwebs
On every router, there are certain routes that are useful to install to prevent leakage of invalid traffic related to private address space.
Wednesday, July 17 2013
Distributed server backups with btsync
By Phil on Wednesday, July 17 2013, 16:41 - Computing
I recently discovered bittorrent-sync (btsync) and I'm in love! This post details how I've implemented this fantastic tool to build a resilient, distributed and FREE backup solution for my servers.
Saturday, May 26 2012
Installing ipset on CentOS 6
By Phil on Saturday, May 26 2012, 10:00 - Linux & Open Source
I assume this will work on RedHat 6 too:
# yum install
Yes, you can copy and paste.
Note that this isn't adding any repositories, so I'm not sure what impact this will have in future since the packages won't get automatically updated by `yum update` (security updates, breakage when kernel updates etc?)
Tuesday, April 6 2010
MediaWiki 404 Errors
By Phil on Tuesday, April 6 2010, 10:16 - Computing
Whenever a wiki page that doesn't exist is accessed in MediaWiki, it logs a 404 error in the Apache logs. This quickly adds up to a lot of false-positives on 404 reports for something that is normal operation for MediaWiki.
MediaWiki is doing the correct thing here -- if the page doesn't exist, then 404 should be the HTTP status code. But at the same time, as a system admin, I don't care about these particular 404 errors, so I don't want to be bothered by them in my logs.
Saturday, January 30 2010
Migrating Physical Machine to Virtual Machine
By Phil on Saturday, January 30 2010, 22:00 - Linux & Open Source
This a quick step-by-step for migrating a Physical computer to a Virtual Box instance. It was written for an Arch Linux based installation, and requires no special software except for an Arch Linux installation CD / ISO image.