So apparently XenServer has "had" an issue with not deleting snapshots correctly, resulting in SR's running out of space. Here's the solution I found.
Tag - virtualization
Friday, December 20 2013
XenServer 6.2 Hidden Snapshots
By Phil on Friday, December 20 2013, 13:01 - Computing
Friday, April 26 2013
Prepare RedHat / CentOS for Cloning
By Phil on Friday, April 26 2013, 20:26 - Linux & Open Source
To prepare a RHEL/CentOS/etc host for cloning (eg, duplicating a Virtual Machine or creating a VM Template), use the following commands as the last steps:
touch /.unconfigured rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_* ifdown eth0 sed -i '/^HWADDR=.*$/d' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ifup eth0 rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules shutdown -h now
Saturday, January 30 2010
Migrating Physical Machine to Virtual Machine
By Phil on Saturday, January 30 2010, 22:00 - Linux & Open Source
This a quick step-by-step for migrating a Physical computer to a Virtual Box instance. It was written for an Arch Linux based installation, and requires no special software except for an Arch Linux installation CD / ISO image.